Darkes Forest Blues

For more detailed info on the film and cast please check out the Press Kit.

Director’s Note

So,  Poirot as a cowboy…. Where did that come from? Well to be honest, it was originally a second-year uni assignment. We had to write a script inspired by a film. I had no idea what to write, but at the time I was reading Murder on the Orient Express and playing a video game called Red Dead Redemption 2. I was sitting in the courtyard with my friend, and I said wouldn’t it be fun to do a western orient express, and she said well why the hell not? So really, I have her to thank.

To anyone who had to watch this uni version and tell me it was okay, I am so very sorry. Don’t get me wrong the original cast, my friend who encouraged it. Amazing. The rest …..It was a different script Rachett was still a man, and the three ladies didn’t come in at the end. But I still learnt a lot from the experience.

This film is a little tribute to westerns and murder mysteries. To my parents in a way. My Mum for encouraging my sister and I to read Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie when we were young, to watching Bones, and Death in Paradise on repeat. And my Dad for showing us the Lone Ranger TV series, Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, and whatever spaghetti westerns we watched in-between. Also, my sister for always loving cowboys with me and making me download and play Red Dead Redemption in the first place. And telling me shut up and make this film you dummy you can do it.

After Lockdown No. 2 and our first project Samsara premiered Adrian (my co-founder) vanished off to Queensland (he did come back) and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to make something fun with my friends. So, I thought well I always wanted to redo this thing so I’m gonna do it.

I want to thank everyone so so much for making this film with me. The whole cast and crew. You let me convince you into this and you all put your hearts into it, you gave it everything you had. I’m so grateful and I can’t thank you enough. All of you seriously, without you this film wouldn’t be what it is. And Carlos you legend for editing this thing with me, Simon for helping with the sound, and his cinematography. You all made this film, all its moments.

Secondly, I want to thank the whole team at Darkes Forest Riding Ranch, especially Kerion. I can’t believe you let us film there, you were all so supportive on the shoot nights and it was really awesome to feel your enthusiasm. You let us use Oddy a horse as a cast member I mean, like wow. I think I emailed Kerion a year before we actually shot the thing or more? And when I got back in touch she was nothing but kind and chilled about it. You let us take over the farm for two nights, and I’m so grateful. You made this film what it is. You all did, the cast, the crew, the Darkes forest gang. So, I’m sending the biggest hug out to you all. You all earned the right to listen to Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton and Orville Peck on repeat.

I hope you enjoy this crazy little film, it may be a little serious and at some points a little bit spaghetti western, but I am so proud of it.

Thank you for going on this cowpoke journey with me.

Yipee ki-yay!
